
Endure – to suffer patiently.

It’s not just you. You aren’t the only one.

The world is a tough place right now. People are starving, people are suffering, people are sick and obese and addicted and depressed and killing and hurting and fighting for every imaginable combination of reasons.

Yet you are here. You are experiencing an era that allows you to see all of it at once. For better or worse you have a more globally broad perspective of the entire human population than any civilization who has ever lived on this earth. It’s true that the mangled media contrives stories and agenda is pushed but through the lies the truth still boils out and You were born at this time to see it.

I’m in awe of how much we can endure. We can see so much negative and still manage to see good and perpetuate values that make us people a species with meaning. Family, Love, Freedom, Individuality, Greatness. We strive to enjoy what is here to be enjoyed and when it’s tough we take pride in the simple. We embrace what is there to be embraced.

As a member of the so called civilized western world I sometimes momentarily forget just how sweet it really is- and that is okay. It’s okay to feel angry or frustrated and even envious as long as it gets dismissed after its felt and you let it go. Don’t hold onto that negativity. It’s selfish and self destructive. Don’t get hung up it’s unhealthy. Dismiss. Exhale. Move on and appreciate all that is here. Meditate.

Sometimes it’s just that way. You work hard, love your family. Be patient. Give back.


Now read this


I’m not sure if there is a term for this, maybe one of my language enthusiasts can help me out later, but there should be a way to take a word and look at all of its meanings and use them all in conjunction to give that word a new... Continue →