Fell To Place

She was 18 I was 21.
Walked into my life with her high heels on.
Blonde shoulder length hair and big blue eyes.
She smiles right at me to my surprise.

Late night drives. Dinner dates, and parties at my place. Quiet nights that were just right, where the rain came down and we fell into place.

We were in love in an instant
But too young to hold onto it
It was meant to be
But not meant to be right then
We moved apart but our friendship didn’t end.

We grew up quick with city dreams
Meeting other people that were in the scene
It was 7 years dating around
Before we realized true love was already found

we found ourselves In separate states.
Dating other people, calling each other late.
We talked and laughed about our lives a bit
Pretty soon we were planning trips.

We were in love in an instant
But had to sew wild oats to get it
It was meant to be
But meant to take time
Our marriage is one of a kind.

I’m your groom and your my bride
You and me always walk side by side
Now both our kids have those big blue eyes
They look up at us they’re our greates prize.

It’s late night drives and dinner dates. Holiday dinners at our place. We share every night together and it feels just right.everything fell right into place.


Now read this

Children’s book

This is a story that’s just for you, and maybe a little something for parents too. Each day the sun rises and shines through the sky, over mountains and trees and seas from on high. It beams on your house and peaks through your blinds,... Continue →